Tribute to a Few Good Friends
This week as been grueling. I've been preparing my classroom. Then on Wednesday, school officially started. The carefree Fauf was put to sleep against her will, while the school-year Fauf was shoved into existence. This transition was hard, but would have been even harder if not for a few good friends who helped immensely. As a result, I have survived my first week back. Thus a tribute must be made to these great individuals who have been there for me in more ways than they'll ever know.
Lisa Salas: Thanks for praying for me and for your encouraging words over the phone. I can always count on God using you to get me back on track, to get over myself, and to regain the proper perspective of Him and what life is all about!
Roomie Jenn: Thanks so much for praying over me the other night when I was so stressed out I couldn't even fall asleep! And thanks for making being at home so much fun!
Michael: Thanks so much for helping me in my classroom and for stimulating my creative juices. You have a way of making me excited about life.
Mr. & Mrs. Shaw: Thank you for calling my first day to see how I was doing and to wish me luck. Your support is very appreciated. And thanks, Mr. Shaw, for the Stop/Caution sign idea--it's working great!
Jesus: Thank you for being with me always, for equipping me for this job, and for being my all in all.