Have you ever been so excited about something that you'd be walking around and find yourself just randomly smiling? Or that you suddenly have the urge to start jumping up and down, and the more you jumped, the more excited you grew? Or that you're so not able to focus you can't even send a text message without grammatical and spelling errors?
If you never have been married, then you probably have never experienced this level of excitement that I am experiencing. I guess it makes sense, being that this is just about the most important event of my life (aside from accepting Christ). I have been excited about things before: mission trips overseas, moving to Santa Maria, midnight release of Star Wars: Episode 1, and eating Ben and Jerry's ice cream. But none of those compare to this excitement.
This excitement has me beat. I am a wreck, in a good way. And I am overwhelmed by it. I feel this is a new side of Fauf that has never been. I don't even know what to do with myself--except for smile, jump up and down, and send text messages that would earn me a D in English. Well, just two more weeks of this excitement, if my heart will stand it. If not, I'll see you at my funeral. ::gasp::