Confessions of a Fauf

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Attack of the Drazins

No, this is not the title to Geore Lucas' latest sci-fi thriller saturated with blue-light filming. This is the title of my past four-day weekend. My parents and two of my brothers came to visit. There are alot of Drazins, and even though not all of them came, it still felt like alot. This was the first visit my parents have made, so it was quite delightful to show them a bit of my life. That included showing them my classroom, my church, my home, my new family (the Shaws), and my new cooking savy (my dad was quite surprised to see me actually boiling water on the stove). So to recap this great weekend, here are some great lines from the great characters in my life:

Dad: "You teach ALL these kids?" (upon seeing 25 desks in my large classroom)
Mom: "You know, the one song I didn't like was that 'Cry Out to Jesus' song." (after church)
Eric: "Being here is weird. Weirder than being on a mission trip." (opinion on Santa Maria)
Andrew: "Instead of giving me a birthday gift, just give me fifty bucks." (he turned 13!)
Mr. Shaw: "That Andrew is sure cute."
Mrs. Shaw: "I'm SO happy to meet you."
Lisa: "Don't get ahead of the narrator! Me!" (dictating the Scattergories game)
Kyle: "We're playing epic croquet!" (combining croquet and horseshoes)
Michael: "This is my reality!" (during the chaos of Drazins and Shaws mingling)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

WOW! PACKS of Drazins and Raisins are SWEEEEEEET!

8:58 PM  
Blogger Michael said...

Shhh... Whisper... whisper... whisper... whisper. We didn't have any cookies. Just fudge brrrrownies.

11:05 PM  
Blogger Susie (Shaw) Fitler said...

Oh my dear sis-in-law to have survived one of the craziest wknds in drazin/shaw history. two crazy families in one place at one time and to think some were still missing??? bless you in the recovery period, suz

6:32 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

NOW after last week.......Shhh... Have a peaceful-maybe even outrageously quiet, whispering weekend.
Sounds like you earned it!

10:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

God bless Santa Maria for giving Redlands some time to catch or breath.

12:50 PM  

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