Confessions of a Fauf

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Vacation Fauf

FINALLY! Today was the last day of school until '08. Michael has been on vacation since last Friday. And I have had to get out of bed the past few mornings while he got to stay in our cozy bed. Then I had to go to school, one day which turned out to be a RAINY day. What are the odds? But enough complaining. I must say I had a delightful last day with those little munchkins. And I enjoyed seeing their shocked faces when I told them, "I'll see you next year!" That blew their minds. When I saw that they were not recovering from their shock, I quickly assured them that next year wasn't that long away! I think they left feeling a bit insecure that they wouldn't see their adoring teacher for a very long time. I'm sure by Christmas day they will have forgotten all about me. That's okay...I've almost nearly forgotten them. (just kidding...I think this class I might actually miss.)

So here I stand on the brink of my two-week vacation. I am excited, but at this point I'm really just wanting to get some rest. That will have to wait...tomorrow we head for the homeland and the Drazin homestead, where rest only comes in the dead of night. And even then it might be hard to get when you're sleeping on a mattress in the little brother's bedroom. (He's being kicked out to the livingroom for the time we're there.) Despite it all, the Christmas season is upon us, so let's pop another Hershey mint KISS, tie another bow, and count those presents one more time!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fauf's Fall was sublimely successful! Best wishes and much happiness to the Winter Fauf!!!!
Ardent Admirers

11:57 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Farah has Ardent Admirers? I just naturally assumed she has minions, but had always thought they were of the elven variety, or possibly pixies... to be fair, i am not 100%sure what i am writing right now. I might be a little tired..

11:10 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tired before the midnight hour??? Beware of working the graveyard shift in Christmases to come.....Sincerely, J. Edgar Hoover, Honorary
Police Academy Graduate, Class of 1907, with
special dispensation to return once every 100 years to advise especially promising but raw police recruits

11:45 PM  
Anonymous Jarrett said...

Farah has Ardent Admirers? I just naturally assumed she has minions, but had always thought they were of the elven variety, or possibly pixies... to be fair, i am not 100%sure what i am writing right now. I might be a little tired.. ~Parker

10:56 AM  

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