Confessions of a Fauf

Wednesday, May 06, 2009

The Color Issue

I think it's time for a Fauf recap of her life the past few's still as COLORFUL as ever...

Brown: the color of her hair that seemed to darken when she got it trimmed last week.

Black: the color of most people's clothing at Disneyland...I regret leaving my Goth gear at home because I stuck out

Yellow and Green: the colors of Fauf's birthday party that still linger in the house in the form of lemons and limes (that's right, we're carrying on her bday through May)

Blue: the color of Fauf's bag that holds all secrets pertaining to Performing Arts, which is her dominant job till June--also a dominating job--whew!

Purple: the color of Fauf's cell phone that she has spent lots of time on trying to figure out why we haven't received some of our mail--all very mysterious

Golden: the color of the orange-cranberry scone that Fauf is craving, but Starbucks is out of

Gray: the color of Fauf's hubby's hat that she finds around the house and makes her think happy thoughts towards him

Red: "the blood of angry men!"--Les Miserables was fantastic, except for the excessive spitting from Javert (if you're in the front row, DUCK!)

White: the color of our Apple laptop that has proved invaluable to blogging, emailing, and writing stories, to name a few...may it never die!


Anonymous Michael Shaw said...

You are a great writer, Doodle.

3:45 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Copper... the color of all the pennies you're receiving and saving for summer get-aways and good times! Cordially yours, The IRS

3:49 PM  
Blogger Morgan Jane said...

I love colors and therefore greatly appreciated this blog; especially with the mention of Les Mis. Huzzah for a God that created a color world instead of a black and white one.

4:22 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The title of this article implies it will be about race relations in this country...or at least thats what i though...

7:39 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Police ARE color blind, but not broke.

3:05 PM  

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