Confessions of a Fauf

Thursday, March 10, 2011

The Final Stretch

Here we are at 9 months along--one more month until Westly's due date! He is most likely around 6 lbs and 18 inches long right now--this is just an estimation. He feels smaller though inside me. His little feet like to stretch up to my rib cage, and he continues to get hicc-ups all the time! While sometimes the sensation gets a little annoying, it's a good reminder of his position. I feel the hucc-ups down low, which means he's still head down, which is what we want! I'm enjoying my time off: reading, writing, exercising, and getting the nursery ready. We're getting more and more excited to meet our little boy!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your nursery looks great. Best wishes for a nice final
month! Love, Dad Shaw

3:11 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm glad everything seems to be going well. I'm looking forward to meeting Westly too!

Best wishes,

3:12 PM  
Blogger Susie (Shaw) Fitler said...

i am soooo excited! look at that little nursery waiting for him (and well a few others...)

9:11 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks, Mommy. Everything looks great. I can hardly wait! Love, Westly

12:51 PM  
Blogger KYLE AND LISA said...

Love it, so sweet! xo

8:49 AM  

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