Confessions of a Fauf

Saturday, May 16, 2009

A Play on Words

So last night we watched the documentary WordPlay. It's all about crossword puzzles, how they're made, who enjoys them, and the tournaments held each year. It's really great and interesting. And will probably blow your minds. It focuses on the New York Times crossword puzzles and the editor for those puzzles. Let me just say, you thought it was hard solving a crossword, try creating one! Pure genius behind it! I found myself in awe over some of these people's brains. And fans who go to the tournament (the really good ones) can do a standard crossword in like two minutes! It's crazy. After watching the movie, I found myself wanting two things: first to live in a great city like New York, and second to have the ambition to tax my brain with crosswords. However, a common trait was found among those who were whizzes at crosswords: they were either musicians, or mathematicians. So that counts me out. (hey, if you play an instrument or are good with numbers, why are you wasting your time? Grab a crossword now! You could be the next champion!) My strengths are linguistic and artistic, so I guess I'll just stick with Scrabble and pictionary. Hey, everyone has their strengths....

What's yours?


Anonymous Michael Shaw said...

My strength is picking the right woman.

2:43 PM  
Blogger Susie (Shaw) Fitler said...

Is it any wonder Mr. Sullivan (a.k.a brainiac, maniac, too smart for this fam) is a crossword fan! (and soduku, and guitar hero, and has been caught reading calculus books for fun...even on the pot?!) hee hee

11:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Did you know that by next week the official English language dictionary will pass one million words? So much to learn... so little time.

3:49 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Did you know that by next week the official English language dictionary will pass one million words? So much to learn... so little time.

3:49 PM  

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